Thank You – 2021 Pumpers & Pistons/Community Helpers Day!

This year’s Pumpers & Pistons/Community Helper’s Day (on Armed Forces Day, 5/15/2021) at the Museum was our best show yet! A special thanks to Ace Eaton who went above-and-beyond working on the show. Ace worked closely with Renee Hughes and Jessica HoodThank you! A good time was had by all! Our Executive Director met a family at the show who had four generations in their group – a child (6), his dad (38), his grandfather (63), and his great-granddad (84). They said the Museum is the one location they can come and all see something they enjoy and learn from. ‘It’s our go-to place to spend time together where we are all happy,’ the grandfather said. 

Above all, a supreme thank you goes out to our military veterans and active service personnel, EMS, fire department personnel, police, hospital and medical staff, and all who keep our communities and country safe. Your service is greatly appreciated and you deserve to be honored for your dedication and commitment!