Ford Model TT Truck
Model TT Truck
The Model TT was a one-ton truck that derived from a Model T car chassis; it utilized a stronger frame, heavier rear axle, and the addition of two rear springs. The truck debuted in 1917 selling for $600.00. Ford only sold the engine and the chassis leaving it up to the buyer to either custom complete the truck cab and body themselves or pay a coach builder to finish it for them. By the 1920's Ford added the option of a cab, which cost another $45-$65.
The versatility of the TT made it useful to farmers and merchants; as fire trucks, dump trucks, and passenger vehicles. By 1928, 1.3 million Ford Model TTs had been sold.
This truck arrived at the museum in 1997 in several crates. A team of dedicated volunteers re-assembled and restored it.
Engine Type: 4 cylinder
Horspower: 20
Displacement: 176.7 cubic inches
Price New: $550.00
Built in: Detroit MI
Donated to the Museum in 1997 by William Englebrecht.